The chicks and ducklings hatched from our hatching kits do not stay chicks and ducklings for long! Although many settings decide to keep the birds they have hatched, as an ethical provider we NEVER supply more hatching eggs than we can comfortably accommodate as birds after the hire period is over. Settings who do not wish to embark on long-term poultry keeping can simply sign ownership over to us at the end of the hatching experience.

Those using our services can rest assured that we are established, reputable small-scale poultry breeders and conservationists in our own right, with high-welfare, non-intensive facilities and the necessary experience to responsibly offer this service. As poultry breeders, we provide a local service by supplying poultry enthusiasts, hobbyists and smallholders with quality livestock.
Below are some pics of birds hatched from our kits, which then came back to the farm. We hope you enjoy!

Firstly, meet one of the now grown-up chicks who came back from one of our first hatching kits of the 2023 season, way back in February. She’s a beautiful Light Sussex, which is an old UK heritage breed. You can find out more about them here.
Branch Manager Michael says she was the most enormous Light Sussex chick he has ever seen – and he’s been breeding poultry since he was five years old!
Here she is now – and what a gorgeous girl she grew up to be!

And here on the right we have a black and white tufted runner duck, who was hatched in a setting back in 2022…

…and below is one of her babies, hatched in a setting a year later in 2023! No prizes for guessing which one is hers!

Runner ducks rarely ‘go broody’. This means they do not have the instinct to sit on their eggs, hatch them themselves or raise their offspring. Introduced to the UK almost 200 years ago, this iconic breed would simply become extinct without human support and alternative incubation. You can find out more about this breed here.
One of the resident cows, who demanded to be included.

A Cream Legbar hen, one of the many old rare breeds we conserve and a layer of marvellously blue coloured eggs. Another ‘non-broody’ breed, which would become extinct without the human support of alternative incubation and chick-rearing. You can find out more about this breed here.

Zoey getting a free workout on egg-collecting duty!

And finally a variety of breeds, all grown up – almost a chicken rainbow!

Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas 2023! From all at Incredible Eggs 🙂